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Friday, June 24, 2011

1933 The Transfer Agreement: Zionists sign a deal with Hitler For Palestine

Some uninformed defenders of the Holocaust tale declare that if the Jews hadn't been forced or taken against their will from their homes and lifestyles, none of this would have never happened even if it were just the unfortunate death of hundreds of thousands by starvation and typhus. Very few understand that there were TWO entities that wanted the German, later European Jews, to emigrate out of Germany and Europe...the German Nazis and the Zionists. The World Zionist Organization and the American Jewish Council were adamant that Jews emigrate nowhere else than Palestine. The Germans had tried to arrange emigration to Madagascar and Uganda but those possibilities were closed by Jewish organizations. What remained is a working relationship with the Zionist organizations Irgun and Haganah to facilitate emigration to Palestine. The British made this difficult.

Edwin Black, of Jewish heritage, an erudite scholar wrote The Transfer Agreement: The Untold Story of the Secret Pact between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine, published in 1984. Dr. Sybil Milton of the Simon Wiesenthal Center calls it, a spellbinding, exciting book. This subject has not been previously explored. It adds a significant new dimension to our understanding of this critical era."

Yoav Gelber of the Yad Vashem Israel Holocaust Museum states, Edwin Black's research is striking in its dimension and scope. The vast uncovering of source material and its extensive use are almost overwhelming. He penetrates deep into the political and economic processes of inter-Jewish relations and into gentile attitudes involving the rescue of Jews from Nazi rule for the benefit of the Zionist enterprise of Eretz Yisrael.

Black focuses primarily on the effects of the Zionist elements among world Jewry which had declared war on Germany by means of a boycott on all German goods.

Although propagandists attempt to dismiss this amazing event as just a newspaper headline, it lead to high level negotiations between the German government and Zionists. Since Jews controlled much of the world's shipping, they could effectively block German commerce. The terms of the Transfer Agreement were that the boycott would end in return to the transfer of German Jews to the Palestine.

The German Chancellor, Heinrich Bruning, had responded to the boycott by establishing currency restrictions that prevented ANYONE, German or foreigner, Christian or Jew, from transferring their wealth out of the country without permission. The restriction was NOT aimed at Jews OR Christians, but at speculators and hoarders.

At the same time, the British, who controlled the Palestine under a League of Nations mandate following WW I, limited Jewish entry into Palestine only to those in possession of at least a thousand pounds (equal to about $5000 today).

The Transfer Agreement began to degenerate into a personal feud along tactical lines. The Mapai or Labor Zionists wanted a communal, collective for a Jewish elite who would do manual work and farming. The Revisionist Zionists wanted a mixed urban-rural society based on free enterprise instead of socialism. Mapai used political intrigue and long-term manipulation whereas Revisionists were very fascist and impatient. Chaim Arlosoroff headed the Mapai and Sam Cohen, the Revisionists. Cohen saw personal advantages to the power he was concentrating in his own hands as a Jewish hero. Arlosoroff was murdered.

Black's analysis was that the economic relationship with Germany was indispensable in the creation of the State of Israel. Without Germany and the Nazis, there would have been no "aliyah," the Return to Jerusalem. and

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