Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Disabled Protestor Jody McIntyre in Shameful BBC Interview
20yr old disabled protester Jody McIntyre was disgracefully dragged from his wheelchair by four MET police officers during student protests against the two tier education system being introduced to the UK.
BBC anchorman Ben Brown begins by badgering the shocked victim who suffers from Cerebal Palsy, for not reporting the incident immediately, but who was he going to call, the police or the Ghost Busters?? Next the BBC man suggests that Mr McIntyre menaced the officers by "wheeling towards them", only to be told by Jody that he has no physical control of his chair. Jody was then asked if he threw any missiles at police, or shouted any abuse that would have provoked the police reaction. What dreadfully soul destroying words did these officers hear??
This is a shameful use of BBC interview intimidation techniques (IIT) against a victim of disgusting police brutality. Shame on the MET police and shame on the BBC.
Contact the BBC here
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
The Difference Between Natural Volcano and Haarp Induced Volcano?
Static Electricity is quite normal in Volcanoes Eruptions, But according to these Scientist who studied Mt. Redoubt Eruption January 2009, Stated what they where seeing in these eruptions after 1992 including Mt Redoubt, was what they called: "A New Kind of Lightning"!
"We saw lots of lightning - 20 to 30 minutes of lighting," said Thomas. "We saw even more lightning than we would typically see during a major thunderstorm." Not only was the amount of lightning unusual, but so was the kind of lightning coming from the volcano. "At the moment the eruption started, there were these sparks of lightning coming from the vent of Redoubt that only lasted 1 to 2 milliseconds," said McNutt, " This was a different kind of lighting that we have never seen before."
It's the Bankers or Us - PLEASE LISTEN
Alex Jones explains how the austerity hammer is falling now on Europe, and will soon fall on the U.S. Fresh bailouts and buyouts by foreign banks are being forced on Ireland and other European nations, while officials in the United States are dropping news on Americans that pensions, insurance for veteran military personnel and more are being taken away.
The IMF and World Bank have essentially completed their phase I mission of absorbing and dominating 3rd World nations, and are now coming for so-called 1st World Nations-- the United States, Canada, UK, Europe and more.
IMF and EU put Ireland on tight leash
'Irish paying for debt created by bankers'
Central bank takes center stage in EU debt crisis
Irish Republic banks 'for sale'
Terms of Enslavement; Irish Citizens Say "Default"; Agreement Violates EU and Irish Laws; 50 Ways to Leave the Euro
Ireland to Cut Spending by 20%, Raise Taxes as Rescue Talks Climax
Spain Depends on Budget Cuts to Stem Contagion by Luring Local Bond Buyers
EU rescue costs start to threaten Germany itself
Europe Tries to Contain Debt Crisis
White House Says Europe Crisis May Harm U.S. Economic Recovery
Report of US supporting more IMF aid props up euro
Gates Seeking to Contain Military Health Costs
Military Update: Obama drops veterans' insurance proposal; more showdowns loom
Obama Administration Proposes Pay Freeze to Federal Employees
Union Drops Health Coverage for Workers' Children
The Madness of a Lost Society
IMF Expects to Double Its Lending Capacity
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Max Keiser w/Greg Hunter On Global Financial Scandals, Foreclosure Fraud, Promissory Notes, and MERS
Max Kaiser's guest for this edition of Press TV's On the Edge with Max Kaiser is Greg Hunter of Greg is a former investigative correspondent for CNN and ABC news. In 2008, in a special Greg made for CNN, he foresaw what is now being called 'Foreclosure Gate'. The mortgage foreclosure crisis is back in the news this week as Bank of America mortgage morass deepens after employee says trustee did not get the notes. Greg is going to tell us what is going on with mortgage foreclosure crisis in this Bank of America situation. Enjoy the show.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
TSA turns off naked body scanners to avoid opt-out day protests
Anticipating a nationwide grassroots surge of protests against naked body scanners and aggressive pat-downs, the TSA simply turned off its naked body scanners on Wednesday and let air travelers walk right through security checkpoints without being X-rayed or molested....
All across the country, air travelers are reporting that the TSA simply deactivated the naked body scanners and let people go right through without a scan. "Backscatter scanners are off. No scan. No patdown." reported a traveler from the Seattle airport. "Backscatter machines aren't being used at LAX," reported another traveler. "They're all roped off."...
This action tells us all sorts of fascinating things about the TSA and its fabricated security excuses. Perhaps most importantly, it proves that the naked body scanners are not needed for air travel security in the first place. When it wants to, the TSA can just turn the machines off and resort to baggage X-rays and metal detectors. That's worked for years, and it apparently worked today, too.
And yet, up until today, the TSA has insisted that the naked body scanners are absolutely essential to detecting hidden bombs, and that "travelers won't be safe" unless they use the naked body scanners. So all of a sudden today it's okay for the TSA to put air travelers at risk of being blown up?
The TSA can't have it both ways. Either the naked body scanners are vital for air security and they need to be running 24/7 to keep everybody safe, or they're just another security con game being played out for the financial benefit of Chertoff and others who profit from the sale of such machines.
How can the TSA -- with a straight face -- say that naked body scanners are vital for air security but not on the busiest air travel day of the year?
As you can see, there are some serious holes in the TSA's mythology, and interestingly, this National Opt-Out Day indirectly exposed them by getting the TSA to turn off the naked body scanners. This is effectively an admission that they aren't important to air security.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Very wise words from Jim Corr in Ireland!! PLEASE LISTEN!!
THE ROOT OF THE PROBLEM IS THAT THE ISSUING POWER OF MONEY IS IN PRIVATE HANDS! THE PRIVATISATION OF MONETARY CONTROL WILL ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, BENEFIT THE PRIVATISERS AND NOT THE PEOPLE...WE SHOULD BE PRINTING OUR OWN DEBT FREE CURRENCY!! The VERY same words apply to the American people and our own nation!! "I warned people that based on historical fact, I believe this financial crash to be engineered. Designed so as to effect a corporate take over of not just our own country, but many countries... Our country is under predatory economic attack... an attack as potentially devastating as conventional warfare. Ireland is at the forefront of this war affecting other European countries. Once this nation capitulates, they will move on to do the same to the other European nations. What we are witnessing, I believe, is an engineered top down finanical crash cleverly designed so as to sheer the wealth from the masses, to cripple our country and others under inescapable debt to an extent that we have no choice but to sell off our national assets, state agancies, and natural resources...essentially to the SAME people and their proxies involved in this clever scam. I hope we realize just how devastating this will be if we allow it to happen. The ultimate aim is to gut our country of everything of value. See and watch Money as Debt
Monday, November 22, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Ron Paul to TSA: Enough is Enough!
Why is the concept of private property being absolutely essential to a free society so hard for people to understand? When it comes to the TSA's porno machines and groping checks at airports, the Federal government has no business doing these things. The fourth amendment is being violated when the Federal government conducts these type of "guilty until groped innocent" security procedures. The airlines are private companies, that own private property. and should use Private security screening to protect that property and convince the population that it is safe to purchase their product. What this really boils down to is that the airlines are perfectly willing to let you and me pay for their security. I don't want to. I pay enough when I buy a ticket!!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Special Lord Monckton Interview: Scientific Misconduct Needed to Push Nw...
Special interview with Lord Christopher Monckton about Al Gore's climate gate hoax, and the hidden Nwo objective behind it all.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Judge Napolitano - Supreme Court Vaccine Side-Effect Case in Bruesewitz,...
Monday, October 11, 2010
Worker at water plant films Fluoride Toxicity, read it yourself
Did you ever read the warnings on your toothpaste tube... Then wonder why they add it to our water supply? Ask yourself if it's just mere coincidence that fluoride was first used in Stalin's gulags, then the Nazi's picked this up from the Soviets [as they did a lot of thing in the 1930s which most modern historians seem to ignore] and used it in their concentration camps. Then it magically appears under the guise of dental protection in most Western countries in the post-war era....why? And is it sodium fluoride (highly toxic), fluorosilicic acid (poisonous toxic waste), or something even worse and even more toxic in your water?
Friday, October 8, 2010
BP Contract Worker Spills All - Never Before Told Stories
This man I am interviewing contacted me because he had some things he needed to get out to clear his conscience. I was even surprised at some of the things he said.
I know this video is longer than any I have ever done before but it is critical that this information get out please spread it everywhere and help me do this. THIS is NEVER BEFORE HEARD information from a recently released BP Contract Worker who worked from Panama City to The Florida Alabama Line
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Banks foreclose on homes that they don't own
Nearly every bank you do business with has administrators who knowingly and repeatedly condone what this video exposes. The scope is staggering. Stealing a bicycle or a car might get you a prison term. Fraudulent theft of homes makes bankers rich. Not reassuring that so many store their life savings in banks, especiall...y the "Big Four" criminally corrupt major banks under the control of the Rockefeller/Rothschild central banking empire that owns our government/monetary system and now our property...Bank of America, Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase, and Wells Fargo.
Bank of America forecloses on house that couple had paid cash for
How to Avoid Foreclosure: MERS, Breaking the Chain of Title
Straightening Out the MERS Mess
GMAC Stops Foreclosures in 23 States
J.P. Morgan suspending some foreclosures: reports
Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems(MERS)
Saturday, September 4, 2010
The Mind Conspirators
More and more Americans today are coming to understand the terrible truth about our Federal Government -- that it seeks to dominate us as citizens, to mold us into a society of dutiful Stepford Wives totally beholden to the wishes of elite politicians, bureaucrats and bankers. Those who study history, independent of the public school system, understand that this state aggrandizement process has been under way for the past 100 years in America in one form or another, and that it is taking place because too many of our citizens sanction such dictatorial usurpation and actually work diligently for its implementation.
This process has resulted in the lion's share of our earnings being annually confiscated by these governmental elites and then redistributed to despicable projects of waste and war to further their dream of world collectivism. It has led to the shocking debasement of our currency and an endless escalation in the cost of staying alive. It has brought about the degeneration of our economy from a robust engine of industry and personal self-reliance to an effete conglomeration of bloated consumers subsisting on financial gimmickry and debt addiction. As a result, America, once a proud land of muscular factories and productive people, has become a stuporous society of shopping malls and welfare crybabies.
Why this process is taking place is one of the most disheartening questions in all of history. What follows is an attempt to show why and how it is unfolding. There are other reasons as to "why and how" than the ones given here. Tyranny's evolution is always a complex process with many forces coalescing to bring about freedom's demise. This essay, however, is a look into the two most important of those forces --ideas and money.
Read the complete article here: The Mind Conspirators
Thursday, September 2, 2010
A COINTELPRO (Counter Intelligence Program) is herein exposed, including a series of illegal projects conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as overseen by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The aim of this "black-op" is to investigate and disrupt dissident political organizations within the United States and abroad. This article exposes the CIA/FBI agents using Wikipedia for this agenda and COINTELPRO propaganda. The government's false rationale, "protecting national security, preventing violence, and maintaining the existing social and political order," is shown deceptive by evidence exposing those involved engaging a satanic cult.
This article documents how propaganda is administered today by COINTELPRO agents using the Internet, Wikipedia, and a "mix-it-all-up" strategy (i.e., the "Hegelian dialectic"). The agents co-create their celebrity, instigate and justify terrorism by generating religious and racial conflicts, cross-promote their divisive beliefs to generate controversies and social unrest, and divert attention from their criminal actions by projecting, through the media, their malice upon their targets.
To effectively extend counter-intelligence and their PSYOPs (i.e., psychological operations), frightening truths are mixed with lies by these agent-provocateurs to undermine social and political activism.
Another common denominator among these operatives is their Church of Satan associations.
This operation is reminiscent of J. Edgar Hoover's COINTELPRO, used to "expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize" the activities of activists and their organized movements.
The Wiki-entities that claim to allow users to add and update biographies, routinely prohibit COINTELPRO victims from making corrections to their bios plagued by disinformation posted by CIA/FBI "dark editors," identified below as agent provocateurs.
Numerous victims prove Wikipedia and the Wiki Company routinely violates their "neutral point of view" policy, and their "non-profit" public service commission, by facilitating this CIA/FBI fraud to further operations exclusively benefiting "crisis capitalists," and/or satanists.
The CIA/FBI-linked "dark editors," identified below, are herein exposed destroying biographies of celebrities, scientists, inventors, whistleblowers, journalists, activists and dissidents of mainstream politics and social movements. In this way, this COINTELPRO works to degenerate society, stifling innovation and progress in every field.
Read the whole report at:
Monday, August 30, 2010
A Tale of Two Wells (Dedicated to Matt Simmons R.I.P.)
Read: Houston, We Have A HUGE Problem ! ! ! Compelling Evidence Points To A Different Well Being Capped
Friday, August 20, 2010
Declassified: Massive Israeli manipulation of US media exposed
The following reports detail how the American Zionist Council used the funding in a sophisticated campaign to cajole and intimidate news media, subvert open debate about Israel and undermine reporting about key issues of the day such as Israel's Dimona nuclear weapons facility, operation Susannah terror attacks on the United States, and the return of Arab refugees to their homes. The AZC tracked and targeted professors and engaged in covert operations obliquely referred to in the following internal reports.
After the Justice Department ordered the American Zionist Council to register as a foreign agent in late 1962, it transferred responsibilities to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, which refuses to register as a foreign agent of the Israeli government.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Food: The Ultimate Secret Exposed - PT 1/2
Industry owned government is legislating and promoting disease causing frankenfood while destroying healthy family farms, raw milk, raw fermented foods, access to fresh pure water, etc...
Friday, July 30, 2010
'Science fail + media hype = Global Scare'
Insight into how bad science and bad media (global warming, swine flu etc.) make it easy to corrupt government officials to ram bad policy down the public's throat.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
BP WEB OF DECEIT: THE UGLY TRUTH "This was direct sabotage"
BP WEB OF DECEIT: A micro documentary about the Gulf oil catastrophe. Under every rock you will ususally find Goldman Sachs, the Rockefellers or the Rothschilds - and often all three. Victor Thorn explains why he believes the BP oil catastrophe is a contrived event, claiming "This was direct sabotage". Visit for the riveting full-length interview.
Monday, July 19, 2010
US Military knows Israel did 911 Part 3
Friday, July 16, 2010
Ford, Rockefeller, Carnegie seek Russian/US Union.
1954 Congressional Investigation into Charitable Foundations. Norman Dodd, lead investigator of 1954 Congressional investigation into Ford, Carnegie, Rockefeller, Gugenheim foundations posing as charitable trusts finds White House directed efforts towards control of US education to foster a One World Dictatorship.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Even The Troops Are Waking Up...ARE YOU?
EXCELLENT! Racism has long been a tool by government/military/ruling class to divide, manipulate/control and dehumanize people...
Friday, July 2, 2010
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Still Report: Iceland and It's Attempt To Free Itself From Central Banking/Organized Crime (GO ICELAND!!)
Some interesting points (paraphrased):
•Iceland privatized the savings banks and the Landsbankinn, which was effectively the Bank of Iceland (Central Bank) as well
•For the first few years, things looked good, the economy doubled but under the surface the private bankers were creating a huge bubble
•They opened a new offshore Internet bank called Icesave targeting new depositors from the U.K. and Holland by offering attractive interest rates for new depositors
•Hundreds of thousands of new accounts were opened, entire towns and police department pension funds put their money into Icesave
•Using fractional reserve lending, Icesave fanned that into billions for questionable new loans
•Icesave started investing in European ventures, especially in Russia - many now believe that Icesave actually became a money laundering operation for the Russian Mafia
•All the while, trading on the good reputation of solid banking Iceland had built up over the previous decades
•The Icesave accounts were not in Iceland and were never incurred by the Icelandic Government so they were not bailed out
•In the face of tremendous political pressure at home, the British and Dutch governments bailed out the Icesave accounts of their citizens and then tried to make Iceland pay for it
•Today Iceland is the new battle ground as it attempts to become the first nation in modern times to escape the serfdom of the debt money system - if Iceland escapes, the rest of the world will be watching
Go Iceland!!!!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
A Call to Action: Boycott Organic Valley!
In a very quiet decision that received surprisingly little media attention even within the natural foods industry, the board of directors of Organic Valley recently voted 4-3 to ban the farmers which make up its 1600 small farm cooperative from selling raw milk to consumers on the side.
The company cited legal concerns and complaints from farmers regarding competition as its reasons for the decision. This is sheer and utter nonsense and a perfect example of corporate smoke and mirrors. The attorneys for Organic Valley even admit that the legal issues are nothing to worry about in actuality. And, the competition issue? It's not farmers complaining about competition that is the true worry for Organic Valley.
The truth is the company is terrified of the surging popularity of raw milk. This market trend combined with an increasingly savvy and informed consumer that is rapidly moving away from processed milk and back to the "fresh from the farm" variety threatens to affect company profits over the long haul.
Indeed, consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the dangers of pasteurization, particularly ultra pasteurization, the type of milk processing favored by Organic Valley for its Grade A milk. With this knowledge, consumers are seeking out farmers directly for their fresh dairy which ultimately threatens to stagnate profit growth for Organic Valley if this type of trend continues (all indications are that it will).

Direct sales to the consumer is one of the smartest business decisions a small farmer can make to keep his operation profitable. Forbidding this type of activity threatens the economic sustainability of its small farms, ironically one of Organic Valley's stated goals.
Such an outrageous and hypocritical corporate decision requires swift and decisive action on the part of the consumer. For my part, I will no longer be buying any Organic Valley products. Period. I never did buy their milk, but I will no longer buy their cheese, butter, or other dairy items either. I hope you will join me in a boycott of this company that pretends to be a friend of the environment, farmers, and consumers but is nothing short of a wolf in sheep's clothing to the sustainable and local family farm movement.
Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist
Monday, June 7, 2010
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010
The Bizarre Art of Central Banking
Ron Paul teaches Ben Bernanke a lesson on Austrian free-market economics, but the Chairman is not listening. Instead, he tries to defend his actions by asserting that "Central banking is an ART" that requires guesswork....and "what caused the crisis was the weakness of the regulatory system and NOT monetary policy"...REALLY Ben?? It was the Fed that was behind the repeal of Glass Steagle, which dismantled the regulatory policy that would have prevented such a crisis. Geee...eeeezzzzz...does Bernanke and company actually think we believe their horse shit???
Friday, March 19, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Judge Napolitano and Walter E Williams on the Census
Walter E Williams discusses the bastardization of the census with Judge Napolitano on "Freedom Watch",
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Lord Monckton on Bonn Climate Conference: New treaty, new world government?
2nd try for a global government? Lord Monckton warns of upcoming UN Conference in Bonn, Germany. Visit for more information.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Fluoride can cause severe depression
Dr. Doris Rapp, MD, FAAA, FAEM, FAAP,Pediatric allergist and environmental medical specialist discusses one of her patients, an 8 year old girl who becomes depressed from ingesting fluoride. After removing fluoride from her diet, this child's IQ went from 57 to 125 over a period of about 1 ½ year, and her depression disappeared.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Mysterious Deaths of 9/11 Witnesses (MUST SEE)
So many 9/11 witnesses or people who would seem to have knowledge of the cover up have been mysteriously dying. This all can't be a coincidence.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Remembering the mysterious Operation Blackjack
A bizarre, anonymous and offensive picture gallery that appeared in January of 2009 on the website of the London Telegraph newspaper that tells the story of a terrorist nuke attack on seven cities around the world left many asking questions about its origin and meaning.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Our real enemies are not those living in a distant land whose names or policies we don't understand; The real enemy is a system that wages war when it's profitable, the CEOs who lay us off our jobs when it's profitable, the Insurance Companies who deny us Health care when it's profitable, the Banks who take away our homes when it's profitable. Our enemies are not several hundred thousands away. They are right here in front of us - Mike Prysner
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Israeli Confessions
If one wants to know why and how the conflict started in Palestine more than 60 years ago, the "confessions" of Israeli and Zionist leaders should make it very clear. 700,000 Palestinians (more than half of the Palestinian population at the time) were expelled in 1948. More than 600 towns and villages were ethnically cleansed. Thousands were killed and maimed. ... the crimes continue to this date, and so does the unjustified condoning attitude of "civilized" governments.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Does Israel use Holocaust as a blackmail weapon?
Sixty-five years ago, Auschwitz was liberated by Soviet troops. Peter Lavelle asks his guests what the legacy of the Holocaust is today. Is its memory being abused? Does Israel use Holocaust as a blackmail weapon? Norman Finkelstein and Israel W. Charny discuss the issue in a heated debate.
Haiti Earthquake Aid, or Army Occupation - Lots of foreign guns and foreign gunmen. Not much relief
Haiti earthquake aid, or USA army occupation - Al Jazeera TV reports Sunday 17 January 2010. Every country that richer than Haiti is trying to help, but only American government is sending armed occupation forces to build more bases, and never pull out. Karachi-based charity worker, Abdul Sattar Edhi, pledged cash as former US president George Bush ordered. Food rots and cash disappears without traceable accountability. Pakistan has also pledged to send others relief items. Other Muslim and Arab countries are sending cash or kind. Most countries are helping in any way they can, a lot more than what six billion people see, hear or read in the anti-Muslim media. Many Muslim-Arab states and charities gave America billions dollars after the recent, Katrina, hurricane. Many other Muslim countries provided aid relief, including: Indonesia, Turkey, Iran, Morocco, Jordan, Islam Relief USA/UK, Muslim Aid, etc. But, by a remarkable coincident, Muslims countries, where USA imposed and sustained despots, and has occupation army, have donated almost nothing!!!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Rep. Mica Encourages Geithner to Resign
Rep. John Mica (R-Fl) encourages Treasury Sec. Tim Geithner to resign during House AIG hearing. Copyright MSNBC 2010
Saturday, January 23, 2010
The Strangest Secret - Earl Nightingale
Earl Nightingale talks about the strangest secret in the world; the key to success and the key to failure... Sit back, relax. listen and open your mind. For more go to:
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Ron Paul "We need to take out the CIA". "They are a government unto themselves. Their in buisnesses, their in drug buisnesses..and..they take out dictators. We need to take out the CIA." Please read the books: BLOWBACK, The Cost and Consequences of American Empire by Chalmers Johnson and Confessions of an Economic Hitman by John Perkins
Ron Paul "We need to take out the CIA". "They are a government unto themselves. Their in buisnesses, their in drug buisnesses..and..they take out dictators. We need to take out the CIA." Please read the books: BLOWBACK, The Cost and Consequences of American Empire by Chalmers Johnson and Confessions of an Economic Hitman by John Perkins
Haiti food aid: crackers with "bugs and worms"
Bug and worm infested crackers were distributed by the UN World Food Programme (WFP)!! Disgusting! A botched humanitarian food distribution in Port au Prince, Haiti. The crowd reacts after being given crackers filled with "bugs and worms".
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
I am the Resistance: You can call me names but history knows I am a hero
Whenever there is injustice, there are people fighting it with every possible means. We have seen it so many times before: the oppressed rise up, the oppressor dehumanizes them calling them such names as "terrorists", "saboteurs", "death loving" extremists... It is only normal that the oppressor will always lie to justify his actions and its crimes.
What is different in the case of Palestine, is that the Israeli regime has built an effective media and communications networks and campaigns to distort the image of the Palestinian resistance, and that a large portion of the world has believed the Israeli line and hence adopted it.
It is our duty to remember and remind the world that the Palestinian freedom fighter is a man, a woman, like any other. He loves his family. She loves her country. They seek a better future. They are willing to sacrifice everything for the sake of justice and freedom. They waited for the world to lift the blatant injustice that has befallen them since 1948. They expected the world to understand when they took up arms to lift this injustice themselves.
Now, they don't care what anyone else calls them. They do not seek anyone's permission, just like any resistance movement. They believe that their cause will be triumphant because it is a cause for justice and humanity. They are merely fulfilling their duty to make the day of justice in Palestine come sooner. So should we.
They can't handle us KNOWING the TRUTH!
A former U.S. Military soldier speaks the truth. Please listen.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Haiti: Guns or food?
Peter Hallward: Arrival of US military raises questions of motivations and memories of recent interventions For more visit
Friday, January 15, 2010
Know the TRUTH about the Government Health Care Bill H.R.3200 - Key Points
We are now at a stage where the House and the Senate must merge their ideas on their healthcare bills into one. If you would like the pdf. for these bills find them online. The FACTS in this video on bill H.R. 3200 still hold true in comparison to the House and Senate bills which have been passed, unfortunately.
Ron Paul 1/14/10 "Monetary System Is A Fraud/Cheats The People By Debasing Currency"
Ron Paul discusses the monetary crisis and explains how the average citizen has been cheated, for decades, by the mythical fractional reserve banking system.
Friday, January 8, 2010
America Rising: An Open Letter to Democrat (ALL) Politicians
We (NOT ME) elected you on a promise of hope and change. We regret it. In 2010, we are taking the country back. Blue collar democrats, independents, and conservatives. We love our country. We are proud of our founders. And we will fight to protect our traditions. We don't want your revolution.
Friday, January 1, 2010
The Underwear Bomber - Crushing Freedom With Phony Arab Terrorism
And so it was that, as I sipped my eggnog on Christmas day, I was shockingly unsurprised to read the headlines about an 'underwear bomb' (as shown above).
To adequately address the recent airline "terror attack" in Detroit and the airborne terror attacks in Yemen we must delve into the topsy turvey world of the 'war on terror', where black is white, up is down, and shady Middle Eastern-looking men and your knickers share equal rating on the US DHS threat-o-meter. In short, it's no easy task. So first of all, let me say a few words about airports and the old and new airport "security measures".
The nightmare that is modern commercial air travel started with 9/11. Before this date, air travel was reasonably civilized. There were no long queues (at least not after check in). We just threw our hand luggage on the security belt, walked through the scanner and we were done.
After 9/11 however, every commercial airplane became a potential flying bomb and passengers and their hand luggage had to undergo more extensive searches. In Dec 2001, the theatrics of the clearly brain-washed Richard Reid, aka "the shoe bomber", added the common or garden shoe to the list of potential terrorist weapons. Now, the equally bizarre antics of the young Nigerian Mr Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab has thrown our underwear into the mix.
Both shoe and knicker bomber attempted to use PETN (a military explosive) on their respective flights. As a result, our shoes now go through scanners at airports and I can only presume that more invasive scanning of our lower torsos will also be mandated supposedly in an effort to prevent further knicker attacks. The problem, however, is this:
PETN, either in shoes or strapped to any part of the body, cannot be detected by airport scanners. A chemical test is needed. Unless authorities plan to drastically reconfigure the number and availability of international flights, there is no chance that chemical tests can be introduced for every passenger. Hence we reach our first tentative conclusion: that the billions of shoes that have been scanned at airports since 2001, and the billions of pairs of underwear that will henceforth become objects of official scrutiny, have and will have had nothing to do with airport security or preventing terrorism.
So what's it all about?
Follow me now, as I metaphorically wade through the vast piles of manure that constitute the raw material for the official story of the latest 'terror attack'.
The Christmas knicker bomber was not your usual disgruntled Arab or lowly Muslim acolyte. He was the son of Nigerian banking mogul and former Nigerian government minister Alhaji Umaru Mutallab, one of the richest men in Africa. We're talking one of the African colonial elite here, an African version of the British "old boy's network" While in London, his son, the knicker bomber lived in a ₤4 million apartment in Mansfield Street, in the city's West End. He also enjoyed access to visas for several different countries, including the US.
It is not surprising therefore to learn that the knicker bomber apparently received special treatment at Amsterdam airport before he boarded his flight to Detroit. Eyewitness Kurt Haskell reported that a sharply dressed Indian man escorted him to the gate and told the attendant that the knicker bomber had no passport but needed to get on the flight. The sharply dressed man was told that he would have to speak to the manager, which he apparently did and successfully got the young 'terrorist' on board.
Now this requires some serious string pulling, and all the hoopla in the press about whether or not the security system worked is just hubris, because if the knicker bomber appeared at the gate without a passport, it is unlikely that he went through the normal process up to that point, including check-in which requires passengers to show their passports. In all probability he was escorted as a VIP to the gate by the sharply dressed man. So how do two suspicious looking terrorists, at least one of them without a passport, get to the gate in an airport and then onto the flight? The answer is they don't unless they have some diplomatic credentials or high-level contacts in the airport.
Guess who runs the security at Amsterdam Schipol airport? ICTS of course! the same Israeli owned security company that somehow managed to let the shoe bomber on his Miami flight in 2001 and several of those mythical hijackers who allegedly flew out of Boston's Logan airport on 9/11. It is also useful to remember that the shoe bomber was cleared through ICTS and El Al security at Amsterdam airport on a flight to Tel Aviv in July 2001 for what was apparently an all-expenses paid week-long trip to the Israeli city. What precisely he did there remains a mystery.
All of which leads us to our second tentative conclusion:
The knicker bomber and his handler were not terrorists. Of course, it all depends on who you think the real terrorists are...
Moving on to the bomb itself; as mentioned it was PETN, or rather Pentaerythritol, which is a building block for PETN. To make PETN, Pentaerythritol must be mixed with concentrated nitric and sulfuric acids. It is assumed that these acids were in the syringe that the knicker bomber was attempting to inject, under the cover of a blanket, into his underpants. He then attempted to ignite the newly prepared PETN with some kind of a fuse. He was apparently unaware that PETN requires a shock wave rather than heat or flame to detonate, and a shock wave is best provided by an initiator explosive. In short, the whole enterprise was doomed to failure from the beginning. Since the bomber and his smartly-dressed handler were able to get to the gate without passports, and are unlikely to have passed through security, we are left to ponder why the bomber didn't carry an explosive that required much less preparation, like a half a stick of dynamite for example. Here's a short video of what a half stick of dynamite does to a file cabinet.
Tentative conclusion number three therefore is that the goal was not to actually 'kill infidels' but rather to reinforce the concept of 'Muslim terrorism'. In fact, it seems clear at this stage that the combining of terrorism and commercial air travel is a specific tactic by the real terror masters to maximise fear. After all, it is difficult to think of a place where the average citizen already feels more vulnerable than on a metal tube hurtling through the air at 35,000 feet. Add in a wild-eyed 'terrorist' and you have the optimal psychological conditions for fear-based programming.
In this particular case however, the knicker bomber was far from wild-eyed. According to the first passenger who attempted to subdue Mutallab on the plane, he offered no resistance and was docile. He was "staring into nothing" according to Dutch 'film maker' Jasper Schuringa. Schuringa also noted that Mutallab was actually on fire but showed no reaction whatsoever. This is suggestive of someone who is in some sort of trance. Indeed, Schuringa stated this explicitly in this interview but immediately followed it with the words, "I don't want to talk about that."
How very strange.
Equally strange is Schuringa's account of how he subdued Mutallab:
as the plane neared its destination of Detroit, Michigan, he heard a pop that sounded like a firecracker going off, and someone started yelling: "Fire! Fire!"The reactions of the other passengers seems normal. The reactions of Schuringa are reminiscent of someone who has been trained in anti-in-flight-terror tactics.
"Around 30 seconds later the smoke started to fill up on the left side beneath this person," he said.
"I basically reacted directly. I didn't think."
He jumped over the passenger next to him and lunged over Abdulmutallab's seat, "Because I was thinking he's trying to blow up the plane, and I was trying to search his body for any explosives."
"I pulled the object from him and tried to extinguish the fire with my hands and threw it away,"
"Just to be sure I grabbed him with another attendant and we took him to first class and there we stripped him and contained him with handcuffs and we made sure he had no more weapons, no more bombs on him."
"The whole plane was screaming. The suspect, he didn't say a word."
Schuringa said other passengers applauded as he walked back to his seat.
According to reports Schuringa was on his way to visit an 'Israeli friend', Shai Ben-Ami who owns a restaurant in Miami. The flight landed at around noon on Christmas day, and by that afternoon Ben-Ami had become Schuringa's impromptu PR manager, aggressively negotiating fees for interviews and the couple of cell phone pictures that Schuringa had taken of Mutallab as he was being taken off the plane.
Eyewitnesses on the flight also reported that after Mutallab was taken off the plane the FBI arrested another Indian-looking man in Detroit airport. The FBI has since denied that anyone else was involved.
Patricia Keepman was on the flight with her husband, daughter and two new adopted children from Ethiopia. She reported that they were sitting about 20 rows behind Mutallab. Her daughter said that ahead of them was a man who videotaped the entire flight, including the attempted detonation. "He sat up and videotaped the entire thing, very calmly," said Patricia. "We do know that the FBI is looking for him intensely. Since then, we've heard nothing about it."
Passenger Kurt Haskell also reported that a third Indian man was arrested after the plane landed in Detroit airport. Haskell also claims that he has since been visited by the FBI in what appears to be an attempt to silence him and his report of a third man.
According to CNN, the knicker bomber's father contacted the U.S. Embassy in Nigeria recently with concerns his son was planning something, that he had become "radicalized". His pleas apparently fell on deaf ears.
Coincidentally, the Orwellian Patriot Act, passed on the back of the 9/11 attacks, is up for either renewal or trash-canning in a couple of weeks. What luck then for Obama, who is secretly very fond of such draconian powers, that the knicker bomber happened along, because there is now a very good chance that the Patriot Act will not only be enthusiastically renewed, but unanimously so.
There is no chance however that any of these troubling details will be discussed by the mainstream media, because none of them are relevant to the story that the US and Israeli governments want us to believe: Yemen is crawling with "al-Qaeda"!!
Going Global
Initially, all we had was a Nigerian youth and a misguided effort to detonate what we are told was an explosive compound. Within 24 hours however, IntelCenter, a group of US ex-military and intelligence officials who over the years have somehow managed to produce many of the "al-Qaeda" videos and messages that they serendipitously find on "jihadist websites", produced a picture of Mutallab with what they claim is the flag of the media arm of "al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula" and a message from the group claiming Mutallab as one of their own:
"We tell the American people that since you support the leaders who kill our women and children ... we have come to slaughter you (and) will strike you with no previous (warning), our vengeance is near," the statement saidScared yet? Well, the people at Intelcenter really hope you are. They put a lot of effort into producing these messages and videos and images. For example, a 2006 'al-qaeda' video featuring al-Zawahiri released by Intelcenter was analyzed by Neal Krawetz, a researcher and computer security consultant. During a presentation he gave at the BlackHat security conference in Las Vegas in 2007 about analyzing digital photographs and video images for alterations and enhancements, Krawetz showed that the video had been altered in a very interesting way.
Using a program he wrote (and provided on the conference CD-ROM) Krawetz could print out the quantization tables in a JPEG file (that indicate how the image was compressed) and determine the last tool that created the image - that is, the make and model of the camera if the image is original or the version of Photoshop that was used to alter and re-save the image.
Krawetz took an image (above) from the 2006 video of al-Zawahiri showing the Mr Magoo look-alike sitting in front of a desk and banner with writing on it. After conducting his error analysis Krawetz was able to determine that the writing on the banner behind al-Zawahiri's head was added to the image afterward and at the same time as the logo of IntelCenter, which released the video. In short, it seems very likely that IntelCenter produced the writing on the banner, and probably the entire video, from whole cloth.
Despite this evidence, we are being asked to believe that the latest message and photo from 'al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula' that IntelCenter just happened to find on a "Jihadist internet message board" that links Mutallab with 'al-Qaeda in Yemen' is authentic!
The Yemen government, or rather dictatorship, added its voice to the subterfuge by claiming that Mutallab was in Yemen from August to December 2009. Dodgy internet postings, as usual from unnamed 'jihadist web sites' would have us believe he was putting the final touches to his knicker bomb under the tutelage of "al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula" and specifically Anwar al-Awlaki, the US born Muslim lecturer, spiritual leader, and former imam. The very same al-Awlaki who allegedly corresponded with Fort Hood mind-programmed patsy Nidal Malik Hasan. The very same al-Awlaki who was allegedly the spiritual adviser to two of the 9/11 hijackers. Isn't it just wonderful how it all connects together in one giant web of "Muslim terrorism" that starts with 9/11?
The fact is, it all does start with 9/11, and the evidence that the 9/11 attacks were perpetrated by elements of the US and Israeli governments is so abundant that no further discussion is required. How Mutallab actually passed his time in Yemen is however still open to speculation, and speculation is always best when some reasonably objective data is marshaled to back it up. Data like:
Yemen seizes 'Israel-linked' cellThe simple yet ugly truth is that Yemen is now squarely in the cross-hairs of the US imperial juggernaut. As to the reason why, we may need only look to the following report from Feb 2009:
Tuesday, 7 October 2008
BBC News
Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh has said the security forces have arrested a group of alleged Islamist militants linked to Israeli intelligence.
Mr Saleh did not say what evidence had been found to show the group's links with Israel, a regional enemy of Yemen.
The arrests were connected with an attack on the US embassy in Sanaa last month which killed at least 18 people, official sources were quoted saying.
Israel's foreign ministry has rejected the accusation as "totally ridiculous".
"A terrorist cell was arrested and will be referred to the judicial authorities for its links with the Israeli intelligence services," Mr Saleh told a gathering at al-Mukalla University in Hadramawt province.
"Details of the trial will be announced later. You will hear about what goes on in the proceedings," he added.
The 17 September attack was the second to target the US embassy since April. Militants detonated car bombs before firing rockets at the heavily fortified building.
Mr Saleh did not identify the suspects, but official sources were quoted saying it was the same cell - led by a militant called Abu al-Ghaith al-Yamani - whose arrest was announced a week after the attack.
Yemen oil majors mull investmentsYemen also has significant natural gas reserves that are in the process of being explored and extracted by French Multi-national Total. But perhaps Yemen's most strategically important asset is its location. Sitting on the southern tip of the Arabian peninsula, the Yemeni sea port of Aden and the gulf of Aden in general is ideally located for the transport of the two aforementioned crucially important commodities. Over 30% of all crude oil and over 10% of global trade pass through the Gulf of Aden and control of it gives control over shipping in the region (think piracy) and access to the coasts of oil-rich East African nations like Somalia and Sudan.
Yemen's Ministry for Oil and Mineral Resources has received eight oil investment bids from international companies, pan-Arab daily al-Hayat quoted Aidarous as saying, four of which were from oil majors seeking direct negotiations with Yemen.
The companies include Exxon Mobil, Total, and BP, the minister said, but did not elaborate on the nature of the investments.
With climate change, in the form of a glacial rebound or a new 'ice age', and the massive world-wide social unrest it would cause, looking increasingly likely in the near future, the psychopathic elite are undoubtedly eager to ensure their own comfortable survival at our expense.
Yemen - Yesterday And Today
Yemen has only existed as an independent country for less than 50 years. During and after the Second World War, Aden was regarded as the key to the defense of British imperial interests in the Middle East, the Gulf and the Indian Ocean. As late as May 1956 a British junior minister, Lord Lloyd, stated that "for the foreseeable future it would not be reasonable or sensible or in the interests of the colony's inhabitants to aspire to any aim beyond that of a considerable degree of internal self-government."1 Naturally enough, Yenemis were less than enthusiastic about being indefinitely subservient to the British.
Historically, Yemen had been split into two governates, North and South Yemen. In 1956, as long as its then ruler Imam Ahmed did not interfere, the British were willing to allow North Yemen relative independence. South Yemen however was to remain fully British, at least economically. In response to an increasingly powerful trade union movement made up of the Arab working class who demanded better wages, living standards and infrastructure, the British attempted to consolidate their control in the South by establishing the Federation of South Arabia in 1959, a ramshackle affair made up of the various emirs, sheiks and sultans who were willing to side with the British against Yemeni nationalist aspirations in exchange for position and wealth.
British Petroleum had established an oil refinery in 1954 and the wealth that this resource could and should have provided for the Yemeni people was instead shipped out to further British strategic interests elsewhere in the world, leaving much of Yemen's population impoverished. While the British governing elite have always (and still do) view all (or rather most) non-Western peoples as little more than howling savages, like so many other colonized nations, the Yemeni people had no trouble recognizing the injustice of the situation. Faced with an increasingly militant nationalist movement within both South and North Yemen, the British reacted to the justified grievances of a mobilized civilian population in the only way they know how - subterfuge and force.
After a wave of strikes called by the Aden Trades Union Congress (how dare they!) which were followed by mass arrests, beatings and torture by the British military, a number of activists and organizations from Aden and outlying areas came together to establish the National Liberation Front for Occupied South Yemen or the NLF for short. The leaders were middle class... clerks, teachers, officers.2 To deal with the insurgents ('terrorists' in modern parlance), the British decided on the tried and trusted method of terrorizing the local population. They proclaimed the insurgent areas 'proscribed areas' and dropped leaflets telling the inhabitants to leave (does this remind you of the tactics of a certain Middle Eastern country in January 2009?). With that formality completed the Royal Air Force freely rocketed and bombed the areas, strafing any sign of human activity. Crops were destroyed, livestock seized and houses blown up, (again, does this remind you of anything?) When Yemeni farmers began to work their fields at night, the British military added night-time bombing.3
Search operations were carried out on a large scale in an attempt to restrict movement of men and weapons by the NLF. Inevitably, these searches accompanied by racists abuse and physical manhandling further alienated the population. Stephen Harper, the Daily Express correspondent in Aden, wrote fondly of the troops that "there's a lot of boot, gun-butt and fist thumping" but that this wasn't brutality but rather "righteous anger". An officer recalled how, when troops were banned from calling the Arabs 'wog', they wittily responded by calling them 'gollies' instead14 (see here for the origin and usage of the world golliwog). The counter-productivity of such abuse always was (and still is) lost on the British political elite and military and obviously did nothing to win the 'hearts and minds' of the Yemeni people in their rebelling against foreign domination.
Another tactic used by the British military (you may recognize this one) was the deployment of 'Special Branch Sections'. These were eight to ten man mobile patrols with an officer in command. Dressed up as Arabs they carried out raids, searches and attacks against British and Yemeni civilian and military targets that could then be blamed on the insurgents in an effort to justify the British oppression. The SAS in its first official deployment against urban guerillas was also deployed in 'Keeni Meeni' squads (a Swahili term appropriately meaning 'slithering snakes'). 'Keeni Meeni' members were SAS men thought most likely to be able to pass for Arabs...5
Without intelligence sources within the local Arab population, British military leaders settled on the inspired idea that torture of prisoners was the next best thing. This mainly involved beatings of one form or another but also sensory deprivation techniques that would later be used in the 30 years dirty war in Northern Ireland and more recently in Iraq and Afghanistan.
At the time, allegations of torture and brutality were made in the British press against the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, an infantry regiment of the British Army. The conviction of members of the regiment in 1981 for the brutal murder of two catholic farmers in Northern Ireland in 1972 led to revelations about events in Yemen. The Glasgow Sunday Mail reported that it had:
conducted a careful and comprehensive investigation including the sworn statements of a dozen soldiers and officers detailing murder and robbery of local Arabs. A single soldier admitted shooting dead five unarmed Arab civilians in different incidents. Several others said they used morphine injections to kill captives. Others claimed to be witnesses to the bayonetting to death of a Arab teenager whose only crime was to be found in a cafe after curfew.6Eventually, the British were forced out of Yemen (at least physically) and the two kingdoms of North and South Yemen were formally united as the Republic of Yemen on May 22, 1990. Yemen's complicated history since British withdrawal and the unification of the North and South is beyond the scope of this article. Nevertheless, even a brief analysis of the social and political history of Yemen over the past 50 years is enough to show that the vast majority of internal conflicts have been over one single issue - civil rights and the desire of normal people to live a dignified existence free from oppression and inequality. When such aspirations conflict (as they invariably do) with the 'geo-strategic' interests of world powers like the US, Britain, or the megalomaniacal pseudo-religious and racist ideals of the state of Israel, normal people lose. 100 years ago, the British elite could simply crush such popular uprisings and explain it away as just the fall-out from their munificent efforts to civilize a 'backward people'. Today however, it is not so easy to fool a somewhat more enlightened world public and a more convincing argument must be made. That argument is today called "the world-wide terrorist threat".
In Yemen today, the people that the US, British and Israeli governments claim are "Muslim terrorists", "al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula", 'al-Qaeda in Yemen" etc. etc. are in fact local tribesmen and their families who are clamoring for social justice and have been doing so for several decades. They would very probably be easily enticed to put down their arms if they were given economic help and simple concessions such as roads and schools by the government. But that is too much to ask of either the global power brokers or Yemen's puppet government. To give any power to the people is, in the twisted, greed-driven minds of the global elite, the first step on the road to the loss of control, and control over normal human beings and our planet is the lifeblood of our corrupt and psychologically deviant leaders.
And so we are led back to the knicker bomber who, we are told, was trained by Muslim terrorists in Yemen. In response to this bogus threat (and indeed before it even appeared) the US military (and it's Saudi Arabian allies), like the British military before them, have been bombing, rocketing and strafing, not 'al-Qaeda in Yemen', but ordinary Yemeni civilians and tribesmen who dared to raise their their voices, fists and guns against imperial and domestic injustice.