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Thursday, April 2, 2009

Stop HR1444: The Real Mandatory Service Act

April 2, 2009

Many of us conservative bloggers had named HR1388 or the GIVE Act a “mandatory servitude bill” but in actuality the mandatory part had been removed from the bill before passage.  That is because that mandatory bit has been formed into a bill of its own that is called HR 1444 or the “Congressional Commission on Civic Service Act”.  If we thought HR 1388 was heinous, just look at what this bill contains:

Under Duties, Section 4:

(5) The effect on the Nation, on those who serve, and on the families of those who serve, if all individuals in the United States were expected to perform national service or were required to perform a certain amount of national service.

(6) Whether a workable, fair, and reasonable mandatory service requirement for all able young people could be developed, and how such a requirement could be implemented in a manner that would strengthen the social fabric of the Nation and overcome civic challenges by bringing together people from diverse economic, ethnic, and educational backgrounds.

(7) The need for a public service academy, a 4-year institution that offers a federally funded undergraduate education with a focus on training future public sector leaders.

(8) The means to develop awareness of national service and volunteer opportunities at a young age by creating, expanding, and promoting service options for primary and secondary school students and by raising awareness of existing incentives.

(9) The effectiveness of establishing a training program on college campuses to recruit and educate college students for national service.

I believe this bill speaks for itself. Get on the phone and call those representatives. This bill is currently in the House.

TAKE ACTION:  Call your U.S. Representative and Senators.  If you do not know who represents you, you can find out at or by calling the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121.

Related links:“give”-act-forces-mandatory-service-requirement-on-all-young-americans/

In an interview with Ben Smith of the New York Daily News, Emanuel outlined the agenda for military-style training, essentially a domestic draft, aimed at preparing Americans for a chemical or biological terrorist attack.

Asked by Smith about the universal service plan and whether people would have to live in military barracks, Emanuel laughed before responding, “We’re going to have universal civil defense training, somewhere between the ages of 18 to 25 you will do three months of training….but there can be nothing wrong with all Americans having a joint similar experience of what we call civil defense training or civil service in service of the country, in preparation, which will give people a sense of what it means to be an American.”

“It will be a common experience and we will be prepared, God forbid, God forbid that there is a chemical hit, another terrorist act or natural disaster becoming more frequent - there’ll be a body of citizens who are ready and capable and trained - that’s all you have to think about,” said Emanuel before smugly declaring, “We’re all here for you OK? It’s a circle of love.”

Asked if the training would be military style, with people wearing uniforms, Emanuel stated, “If you’re worried about are you going to have to do 50 jumping jacks the answer is yes,” adding that the service could be done through state national guard.

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