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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

FDA Cracks Down on Natural Cancer Cures

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Food and Drug Administration is cracking down on teas, supplements, creams and other products that falsely claim to cure, treat or prevent cancer even though they are not agency-approved drugs. All are available for sale on the Internet.

(The FDA no longer serves to protect the interest or safety of the people, but that of the profits of Pharmaceutical giants!!)

The FDA is afraid drinks or other supplements claiming to cure cancer will prevent patients from seeking treatment.

The FDA is afraid drinks or other supplements claiming to cure cancer will prevent patients from seeking treatment.

The agency has sent 25 warning letters to companies and individuals marketing these products, FDA officials said Tuesday. Twenty-three of the letters went to domestic companies and two to foreign individuals.

FDA officials said the statements made about these products are dangerous because they could prevent a patient from seeking proper (??) treatment for cancer. They could also harm a cancer patient by interacting with other drugs the patient is taking.

(False) "FDA is very concerned that consumers will purchase these products on the Internet and use them instead of products that have been proven safe and effective," said Michael Levy, director of labeling the agency's new drug division.

(True) "FDA is very concerned that consumers will purchase these products on the Internet and use them instead of the unnatural deadly chemical pharmaceutical products that are synthesized from natural elements so that Big Pharma could patent them for profit, but are no longer beneficial or healing to the human body!! Instead they destroy the immune system and destroy the cellular structure of our DNA, so that our body no longer has the ability to fight off illness and disease until eventually we die from their treatments. The whole allopathic medical system is designed around Big Pharma and profit, and is not meant to actually "cure" anything, because if they cure you, they are out of business!!

The letters criticized unproven claims made about these products including the ability to "destroy the enzyme on DNA responsible for cancer cells," and the power to "neutralize" carcinogens. One product's Web site had a testimonial claiming it had cured a patient's skin cancer in three days, according to one of the letters.

The ingredients of these unproven treatments include bloodroot, shark cartilage, coral calcium, cesium, ellagic acid, and a variety of mushrooms among other products.

(ALL from mother earth, and ALL proven cures long before profit driven iatrogenocidal nazi medicine ever came along!)

Officials said that if the warnings are not heeded, the agency could take action including seizure of the products and criminal prosecution.

(Like I said...NAZI medicine!!)

"Health fraud has been around for years, and it is a cruel form of greed," said David Elder, director of the agency's enforcement office. "Fraud involving cancer treatments can be especially heartless."

(Health fraud...cruel form of greed?? LOL!!! Thats' rich coming from the corrupt FDA shills, paid off long ago to protect the profits of Big Pharma!!)

FDA: Warning letters to 25 companies

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