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Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Mind Conspirators

More and more Americans today are coming to understand the terrible truth about our Federal Government -- that it seeks to dominate us as citizens, to mold us into a society of dutiful Stepford Wives totally beholden to the wishes of elite politicians, bureaucrats and bankers. Those who study history, independent of the public school system, understand that this state aggrandizement process has been under way for the past 100 years in America in one form or another, and that it is taking place because too many of our citizens sanction such dictatorial usurpation and actually work diligently for its implementation.

This process has resulted in the lion's share of our earnings being annually confiscated by these governmental elites and then redistributed to despicable projects of waste and war to further their dream of world collectivism. It has led to the shocking debasement of our currency and an endless escalation in the cost of staying alive. It has brought about the degeneration of our economy from a robust engine of industry and personal self-reliance to an effete conglomeration of bloated consumers subsisting on financial gimmickry and debt addiction. As a result, America, once a proud land of muscular factories and productive people, has become a stuporous society of shopping malls and welfare crybabies.

Why this process is taking place is one of the most disheartening questions in all of history. What follows is an attempt to show why and how it is unfolding. There are other reasons as to "why and how" than the ones given here. Tyranny's evolution is always a complex process with many forces coalescing to bring about freedom's demise. This essay, however, is a look into the two most important of those forces --ideas and money.

Read the complete article here: The Mind Conspirators

Thursday, September 2, 2010



Sherri Kane and Leonard G. Horowitz

A COINTELPRO (Counter Intelligence Program) is herein exposed, including a series of illegal projects conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as overseen by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The aim of this "black-op" is to investigate and disrupt dissident political organizations within the United States and abroad. This article exposes the CIA/FBI agents using Wikipedia for this agenda and COINTELPRO propaganda. The government's false rationale, "protecting national security, preventing violence, and maintaining the existing social and political order," is shown deceptive by evidence exposing those involved engaging a satanic cult.

This report exposes agent-provocateurs who forge documents, edit Wikipedia biographies, revise histories to libel and discredit targeted opponents, and conspire to commit murder, including those of journalist/whistle-blowers, benefiting their CIA/FBI corporate handlers.

This article documents how propaganda is administered today by COINTELPRO agents using the Internet, Wikipedia, and a "mix-it-all-up" strategy (i.e., the "Hegelian dialectic"). The agents co-create their celebrity, instigate and justify terrorism by generating religious and racial conflicts, cross-promote their divisive beliefs to generate controversies and social unrest, and divert attention from their criminal actions by projecting, through the media, their malice upon their targets.

To effectively extend counter-intelligence and their PSYOPs (i.e., psychological operations), frightening truths are mixed with lies by these agent-provocateurs to undermine social and political activism.

Another common denominator among these operatives is their Church of Satan associations.


Wikipedia and Wiki-company has scores of journalists, political activists, and whistle-blowers protesting the company's use by disinformation agents. These agents are herein linked to a CIA/FBI counter-intelligence campaign. They have infiltrated, disrupted, marginalized, and/or subverted individuals and groups viewed as "dissidents." Activists protesting multi-national corporations, and their criminal control over politics and economics, are considered "subversives" to their COINTELPRO.

This operation is reminiscent of J. Edgar Hoover's COINTELPRO, used to "expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize" the activities of activists and their organized movements.

The Wiki-entities that claim to allow users to add and update biographies, routinely prohibit COINTELPRO victims from making corrections to their bios plagued by disinformation posted by CIA/FBI "dark editors," identified below as agent provocateurs.

Numerous victims prove Wikipedia and the Wiki Company routinely violates their "neutral point of view" policy, and their "non-profit" public service commission, by facilitating this CIA/FBI fraud to further operations exclusively benefiting "crisis capitalists," and/or satanists.

The CIA/FBI-linked "dark editors," identified below, are herein exposed destroying biographies of celebrities, scientists, inventors, whistleblowers, journalists, activists and dissidents of mainstream politics and social movements. In this way, this COINTELPRO works to degenerate society, stifling innovation and progress in every field.

Read the whole report at: