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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

SANDY HOOK - CREATING REALITY: A TNN Redux of a Sofia Smallstorm Presentation (A Must Watch and Share!!)

Published on 15 Dec 2013

Based on the incomparable presentation by Sofia Smallstorm, this documentary is a must-watch for any Sandy Hook researcher. This video accompanies Sofia's original presentation and spot-on analysis by adding a distinct audio/visual layer. A best effort was made to reinforce the original material, maintain accuracy and stay true to the original reporting.

Regardless of which "hook" is used, staging deceptive events requires secrecy; specifically the authorized secrecy afforded to the state. The fuel that powers conspiracy is secrecy. Ultimately, if cornered the state will invoke this privilege. So, efforts to learn the truth will be that much harder. The authority that denies our freedom through silence and deceit may be the last mountain humanity must scale to be free in the modern era.

Let's all continue to learn and achieve, every one of us. Don't fear going against the general way of thinking. Great minds are currently in demand.

Watch Sofia Smallstorm's original presentation, Unraveling Sandy Hook in 2, 3, 4 and 5 Dimensions here...

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